About Us - Band History

It would be difficult to list all of the band’s achievements from over 40 years without taking up all of the website space, but the following bank history is a selection of highlights. If you are a former member and have a recollection of your time in the band that you would like to share with others, please go to the Contact Us page.

Local musician Len Andrews and 28 young people formed Warrington Youth Band in 1965. This group had huge amounts of enthusiasm but limited funds. Len and the band members organised jumble sales and sold firewood to raise the money needed to buy instruments, uniforms and music. The band quickly became established, performing fund raising concerts for local charities and band funds. As well as learning to play brass instruments, the band members were also taught to march by Len. They began performing in local walking days and parades, many of which the band participates in to this day.

The Founder Members

Over the years the Warrington Youth Band and Warrington Brass have travelled around the world delighting audiences. Among the high points, becoming Junior World Champions in 1980 and even appearing and winning on the hugely popular TV programme Opportunity Knocks during the 1970s.

Band Milestones




Germany tour
Germany tour
Holland tour
Germany tour
Germany tour
Canada tour
Germany tour
Austria tour
ViennaWorld Champions
Switzerland tour
Isle of Man tour
Ireland tour
Germany tour
Malta tour
Austria tour
Mosel tour
Malta tour
Germany tour
Malta tour
Malta tour
Malta tour


In 1998 the band underwent a transformation. The numbers of new, young members began to dwindle as local schools stopped providing free music tuition. At the same time a number of former members of the band returned. As the average age of the band members increased, Len took the decision to rename the band Warrington Brass to reflect the change in the bands makeup.

In 2001 after a period of ill health, Len took the difficult decision to retire from banding after 37 years of leading the band. Len handed the running of the band over to a committee of its members

However, this was not the final chapter for Len. In 2010, at the age of 90, Len was awarded the MBE for his services to the teaching of music to the youth of Warrington. A proud moment for everyone involved with the band both past and present. Sadly, Len passed away on 12th September 2013. He will be greatly missed.

Warrington Brass, in its current structure has a healthy future and is committed to continuing Len’s legacy of teaching young people to play and appreciate music. The band is once again involved with teaching brass instruments to young people, although there are no age limits, and we offer free tuition to anyone wishing to learn a brass instrument. The band has many young members between the ages of 11 and 16. They are developing musical skills and socialising with people of their own age in a safe environment in the same way that we learned to become musicians all those years ago.

The band has a long and illustrious history but more importantly Warrington Brass has an exciting future.